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power toos clearance sale

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Let us catch the Ultimate Power Tools Clearance Sale Here at ETPower power tools clearance sale, we’re always striving to refresh our stocks in order to maintain the most up-to-date range of power tools. As a distributor of power tools & accessories from China, it is important that… Read More »power toos clearance sale

Tips for electric paddle mixer

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You did pay enough money for your brand new paddle mixerDo not pay the same for its maintenance Save your money and your time with following tips: #1. Occasional and light duty mixing jobs-involving mainly paints or varnishes -can also be done by conventional drill(2 speed one will… Read More »Tips for electric paddle mixer

cordless power drill driver

Distinguish between An electric traditional drill,impact drill and hammer drill.

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What is an electric drill? An electric drill is a device used for making round holes or driving fasteners. It has a bit attached,either a drill or driver chuck. With common corded type hand-operated drills are becoming less used for current, whereas,a cordless battery powered ones are becoming… Read More »Distinguish between An electric traditional drill,impact drill and hammer drill.

Use ETpower Jig Saw,Die Grinder and Sander to Make a Sword

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Using Jig saw to cut the wood in shape of a sword, then use a palm sander or orbital sander to polisher the surface of the wood. last use the die grinder machine to polish the corner part of the sword. here is the video for viewing: